Category: Film & Animation
Tags: lumo project englishlast offeringthe gospelslumo project gospel of markthe gospels of the biblesigns of the end timesday and hour unknown bible versethe widows offeringthe widow's offeringsignsend of timejesus and end timesdestruction of the templelumo projectbethanyjesus anointedgodjesus anointed at bethanythe widows offering in the biblejesus anointed by a sinful womantwelve disciples of jesus
Description: LUMO: Gospel of Mark 12:41-14:11. Jesus spoke many prophecies. Some where about his death and resurrection, but others were about the more distant future. Jesus tells about the last days on Earth, but he warns that no one will know what day or hour that it begins. 00:00-00:46 The widow's offering (Mark 12;41-44) 0:47-05:14 The destruction of the temple and signs of the end times. (Mark 13;1-31) 05:15-06:06 The day and hour unknown (Mark 13;32-35) 06:07-08:19 Jesus anointed at Bethany (Mark 14:1-11)